Wednesday 29 April 2020

Kidney Cancer

By Karen Lavender

Most Who Develop Kidney Cancer are Smokers

Except in rare cases, humans are born with two kidneys. The kidneys are essential organs that we use to get rid of extra water and waste from our blood. Kidneys also help control our blood pressure. Even though humans have two kidneys, we can function normally with just one. However, if both kidneys must be removed, either because of kidney cancer of any other kidney disease, the body cannot function without dialysis. When kidney cancer is found, doctors usually remove the kidney with the cancer and then the patient usually undergoes additional treatment. You can reduce your risk of developing kidney cancer by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and more information and tips are widely available.

What is Dialysis?

You must undergo dialysis treatments if you've had both kidneys removed due to kidney cancer or anther disease. Dialysis utilizes a machine that artificially removes waste from your blood stream. There are many potential side effects of using a dialysis machine; however, the benefits outweigh the risks. Dialysis treatment allows a person who has survived kidney cancer or any other kidney disease to live a somewhat normal life.

How is Kidney Cancer Treated?

When kidney cancer is diagnosed, the first step for treatment is usually surgery to remove the kidney(s). After surgery, it is common to treat kidney cancer with radiation, chemotherapy, and/or hormone therapy. Depending on how severe the kidney cancer case is, different variations or combinations of treatments may be used. If a kidney cancer patient is a good candidate, he or she may also receive a kidney transplant.

Who is at Risk?

People who smoke cigarettes or cigars are at a higher risk of developing most types of cancer, including kidney cancer. Also, people who are considered obsess and those who have high blood pressure are also at a greater risk of developing kidney cancer. Males are also more likely to develop kidney cancer, but the reason for this statistic is unknown. There is also a genetic factor that plays a role in who is at risk for developing kidney cancer.

Additional Kidney Cancer Information

There is an endless list of information on kidney cancer available on the Internet. Articles, research papers and medical documents are just a few of the many documents related to kidney cancer available. There are official sites, such as the American Cancer Society, and there are also testimonials from actual kidney cancer patients, both of which discuss causes, treatments, and living with this disease.

Warren and Karen have been involved in the internet for a number of years and run several websites. They are most interested in providing opportunities for people to connect with information relating to business, health and creativity. Check out their []Kidney Cancer blog for more information.

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This write-up on Kidney Cancer is just an information out of numerous ways that can help you at this site - "Why You Should Never Have or Remain With Your Kidney Problem". For more quality information on solution to your kidney problems, always visit:

Sunday 26 April 2020

Dissolve and Pass Kidney Stones Naturally - Phosphoric Acid Dissolving Kidney Stones?

By Joe Barton

Fact!  About 1 out of every 10 people will develop kidney stones sometime in their lifetime. 

Are you part of this kidney stone 10 percent?  If you are, I have some bad news and some good news.  The bad news!  You know that kidney stones are more than a prick on the finger.  More realistically, kidney stones have been compared to delivering a baby.  How does that sound, men?  Common symptoms of kidney stones could include:  excruciating pain, sore back, back spasms, abdominal and groin pain, bloody and cloudy urine, fatigue, nausea, fever and chills.   And these unforgiving symptoms can last for months until the kidney stones are passed. 

And the good news!  If you have read this far, I know you are taking your health serious enough to look for the most effective treatment.  And I would like to introduce to you one of the most effective natural treatments for kidney stones available!

You could actually dissolve and pass kidney stones naturally using phosphoric acid!  And the best part is you can dissolve and pass them painlessly!  And for 1/1000 of the price of surgery!

Your Kidney Stone Treatment Options

As we jumped into the 21st century, technology and research has been a staple of the medical industry.  And as we become more knowledgeable about medicine and treatment, it has been proven that common remedies from over 50 years ago are sometimes just as effective as traditional treatment.   And this holds true to a natural home remedy for kidney stones. 

As you consider what treatment is best for your situation it is important to be professionally diagnosed for kidney stones.  And you will find that just like snowflakes, no two kidney stones are alike.  Kidney stones vary from size, shape, and composition (though most stones consist of calcium).  And the best news yet, most kidney stones can be dissolved and passed naturally with no use of medication or surgery. 

Treatments prescribed vary from person to person because of the size, shape and composition.  Many sufferers will be prescribed some pain medication and suggested to drink 2 to 3 quarts of water each day until the stones pass naturally.  Others might need more expensive treatments such as: extracorporeal shock wave lithotipsy (ESWL), percutaneous nephrolithotomy or ureteroscopic stone removal which prove to be effective but also expensive.  Are you willing to give up a month's salary for a surgery that is often unneeded? 

You don't need to!

How Phosphoric Acid Dissolves Calcium Deposits

Fact!  Soft drinks are commonly mistaken as the cause of kidney stones.  But in most cases, kidney stones are caused by the sufferer's lack of hydration (water intake).   After months or years of consistent dehydration, the body cannot effectively flush toxins, impurities and calcium.  And one result (of many) is calcium buildup in the kidneys.  

But why do soft drinks take the rap?  Typically, people who drink 3-4 cans of soft drinks a day are suffering from dehydration in on a daily basis and don't know it.  Have you ever went the whole day and didn't drink an ounce of water?  I guarantee you would not even know you were thirsty if you had a can or two of Coke. 

Though soft drinks can cause kidney stones because drinkers forget to drink water; some soft drinks (containing phosphoric acid) can actually help dissolve kidney stones. 

A Researched Remedy:  Phosphoric Acid 

After researchers speculated a link between soft drinks and kidney stones, researchers conducted a test on over 1000 ex-kidney stone sufferers and the recurrence of the stones.  And the results might surprise you?

During the 36 month study, half of the sufferers promised to abstain from any form of carbonated beverage (soft drinks) and the other half tested would continue to drink at least 5 ounces of their preferred soft drink of choice.  After the 3 year trial, drinkers of soft drinks were one-third less likely to experience a recurrence of kidney stones.  And the men who completely stopped drinking soft drinks were one-third more likely to relapse with kidney stones.

The researchers thought just the opposite and were puzzled.  Could something be naturally dissolving kidney stones in soft drinks?  

Is phosphoric acid a natural dissolvent of calcium? 

The Remedy Tested!

Research leads to proven remedy!  Can phosphoric acid dissolve calcium build up?  Many researchers also experimented with a natural remedy (phosphoric acid) to dissolve and pass kidney stones.  Again, researchers were baffled because it worked!  To learn more about a guaranteed natural home-remedy (using phosphoric acid) to dissolve and pass your kidney stones in less than 24 hours... please check out our []Dissolve and Pass Kidney Stones Naturally website today!

Joe Barton works for Barton Publishing Inc., a natural health company specializing in research and education of the natural treatment for kidney stones.  Barton Publishing Inc. has helped thousands dissolve and pass their kidney stones naturally with their popular 100% guaranteed natural home-remedy.  To discover why Barton Publishing Inc. is leading the way in natural health please visit our website. []Dissolve and Pass Kidney Stones Naturally

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